Are you having a hard time to track your everyday expenses by your employees or personnel? Your petty cash receipts are lost or cluttered and having a hard time compiling them? Smart Office Petty Cash Recorder will be the answer for your unorganized petty cash monitoring.
Smart Petty Cash Recorder is a simple yet powerful accounting app that records all your money expenses through web interface and mobile app. You can monitor all the petty cash flow and liquidation in an intuitive user interface.
You need to take a photo of the receipt before it sends to the server, so you will never misplace the receipt for your recording cash flow. The app also has TIN input! No need for extra BIR process report. Customize your entry categories by income or expense, you can also add unlimited list of banks, change currency symbol, and set the reminder for your next entries. With this app, you can monitor how many petty cash is left, and make some adjustments to budget.
You can manage all the records in the website, easy track down the expense versus the income. You can take actions like edit or delete the entry. You can download all the receipt images for compilation, filter the dates of the entries for quick viewing or tallying the income and expenses. All the entries can be exported or filter it by range of date for reporting. You can easily analyze the petty cash flow by sorting expense category.
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